Photo Gallery - 2006 Regional Conference
Harrisburg, PA
Click on the images below for a larger view!
A Scene from "That Old Windbag" at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts
A scene from "Clouds" at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts
Tessa Bridal delivers the keynote address.
IMTAL Treasurer George Buss conducts a session.
Groups develop impromptu murder mysteries
Coolio and Hotiet from "Are You Cirrius?"
The audience gets involved
Bill Somerfield practices his puppet skills.
Past President Lynda Kennedy creates a living painting
Jonathan Ellers tells a story

Jonathan Ellers gets everyone in the act
A role play based on immigration
If you have pictures from this conference that you are willing to share on this page, please email the IMTAL Secretary. Photos should be sent as medium-resolution jpeg files.